Carter Beats the Devil Cocktail

Carter Beats the Devil Cocktail Created by Erik Adkins when he was still in Oakland bar Flora is a modern Bay Area classic which is available now at Slanted Door San Francisco, this drink features a thai chili for a little extra spice.


  • 1½ oz. reposado tequila

  • 1 oz. fresh lime juice

  • ½ mezcal

  • ½ agave nectar (or ¾ oz. simple syrup 1:1)

  • 10-20 drops chili tincture

  • Tools: shaker, strainer

  • Glass: coupe

  • Garnish: lime twist


Shake the ingredients together with ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish.

Chili Tincture: Fill a 1-quart container (Adkins uses a mason jar) with stemless thai chilis and fill to the brim with blanc agricole rhum. Let steep for 2 weeks, tasting on occasion to make sure the mix doesn’t get too spicy. Strain out the chilis. Fill a bitters bottle with the tincture to serve.


Recipe: Erik Adkins, The Slanted Door, San Francisco

Origin: Imbibe Magazine

Photo: Angkana Kurutach

Luchi Campugan